
Emilia Romagna – Paradise of pasta and cold cuts

The typical dishes of Emilia Romagna are often counted among the most popular Italian recipes in the world. The gastronomic tradition of Romagna is characterized above all by strong and decisive flavors . These are usually very caloric recipes in fact the dishes are very seasoned and tasty.

  • Parma’s ham:

one of the most famous cured meats in the world. It is recognizable by the crown mark that is imprinted on the sausage. It is a rather sweet raw ham , with no additives other than salt, the only preservative allowed.

  • Noodles:

a thin sheet through which you can read the newspaper “. This is how the sfogline Bolognese describe how the puff pastry must be to make tagliatelle. Strictly pulled by hand with a rolling pin, it is then rolled up and cut into strips about 7 millimeters wide.

  • Fried dumpling:

fried bread dough filled with cured meats and cheeses, a thin and airy pastry to be stuffed with the ingredients you prefer.

  • Bolognese sauce:

is the classic sauce for tagliatelle . Made with chopped onion, carrot and celery, ground beef and pork and bacon. Everything is blended with red wine and milk and finally cooked for many hours with tomato sauce. But the delicacies of Emilia Romagna do not end here:

among the symbolic recipes of Emilia Romagna there are tortellini. These belong to the large family of filled pasta sheets. Traditionally eaten in broth , they are a typical first course of the Christmas holidays . The filling is generally made up of minced meat, ham and parmesan.

the most famous of the Emilian pasta . A dish that has traveled the world, becoming one of the symbols of Italian cuisine. Lasagna is one of the oldest pastas already present in Roman times. They cooked it in lasanum, a kind of pot. Recent tradition calls for the use of wheat flour. However, in ancient times spelled, rye, chestnut flour and the like were often used.

this dessert has origins in the Ferrara area . It is a cake consisting mainly of dark chocolate mixed with butter, sugar, eggs and a little flour. Just the little flour gives the tenerina a moist and dense consistency. (at this link you will find more information on the wonders of the region)

a disc of unleavened dough stuffed with cold cuts, cheeses and ingredients to taste. To be precise, there are two types of piadine: the Romagna one and the Romagna one in the Rimini style . The first, widespread in the areas of Cesena, Forlì and Ravenna, is thicker and softer. The second is more common in the Rimini area and is thin and slightly larger. (click here to discover other Emilian beauties) If you want to discover these culinary delights and other wonders of the region, click here for more details.

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The typical dishes of Emilia Romagna are often counted among the most popular Italian recipes in the world. The gastronomic tradition of Romagna is characterized above all by strong and decisive flavors . These are usually very caloric recipes in fact the dishes are very seasoned and tasty. Parma’s ham: one of the most famous […]

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