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Emilia Romagna

Ferrara is an unmissable stop for all those who love art, culture, nature and good food. Moreover, it’s a city with a strong Renaissance character. It is no coincidence that it was one of the culturally founding seigniories of the Renaissance in Italy. Ferrara welcomes every year thousands of visitors from all over the world. […]

Italy is a fascinating country rich in history, art, architectural beauties. It is also and above all full of unusual, mysterious places that are almost unique in their kind such as: The Scarzuola It is ‘a magical and timeless place where you can get lost and be enchanted’. The fame of Scarzuola is certainly given […]

One of the most beautiful regions in Italy where tradition and culinary products are the masters. Known for its mainly flat territory and for its extensive and silent valleys capable of offering tranquility and direct contact with the nature of the place. One above all the fantastic Val Trebbia which offers a myriad of trekking […]

The typical dishes of Emilia Romagna are often counted among the most popular Italian recipes in the world. The gastronomic tradition of Romagna is characterized above all by strong and decisive flavors . These are usually very caloric recipes in fact the dishes are very seasoned and tasty. Parma’s ham: one of the most famous […]

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