

A millenary artistic legacy and enchanting beauty. Venice is one of the most famous and popular cities in Italy. However, even on busy days, Venice never loses its ability to enchant and enchant visitors.

  • Burano:

a small island all colored, an ideal destination to escape the crowds . There are many legends as to why fishermen colored their homes with such bright colors. The most famous says that the bright colors served asd indicate the way back to the sailors and fishermen.

  • Acqua Alta bookshop:

in this magical place , books fill old gondolas, canoes, bathtubs and barrels. The encyclopedias flank the walls and become the steps of a staircase.

  • Bridge of Sighs:

it is the best known bridge in Venice. From the outside you can see two small windows on each side perforated from which you can see some city beauties through the plot . The name derives from the sighs of the prisoners who saw perhaps the lagoon city for the last time. The beauty of the friezes and decorations in Baroque style, the historical peculiarity of having been built by the architect Contin, as well as the confinement of the more than famous Casanova have made this place famous all over the world .

  • Grand Canal:

called the “Canalazzo” by the Venetians. It divides the historic center of the city into two parts. It develops for about four kilometers and has the shape of an inverted “S” having as two ends the Graft of the Liberty Bridge and the San Marco Basin. Along the entire perimeter it is possible to appreciate the testimonies of the greatness achieved by the Republic of Venice. There are so many monuments in Venice that choosing a few is a very difficult task:

home to a brotherhood of wealthy Venetians dedicated to charitable works. It takes its name from the body of San Rocco, kept here . In 1564 the Confraternity entrusted Tintoretto with the task of decorating the School. The works recount biblical episodes and the life of Christ. An exceptional pictorial journey , both for the size and for the number of painted works. (click here to reveal an interesting itinerary)

That of San Marco is one of the most fascinating squares in the world. Napoleon Bonaparte called it ” the most beautiful hall in Europe “. It was built in the 9th century and paved in 1177. The most important buildings in the square are the Basilica of San Marco , the Doge’s Palace , the Correr Museum , the Campanile and the Clock Tower. (click here to discover our programming)

This palace in the Venetian late Gothic style. It houses a sublime collection of works of art , ranging from paintings to sculptures, from tapestries to bronzes. Among the many masterpieces, do not miss the San Sebastiano by Mantegna and the Venus by Titian.

it was inaugurated at the end of the eighteenth century. The Fenice Theater was restored to its former glory in 2003. Today it is one of the most prestigious and elegant opera houses in the world. (at this link a fantastic way to discover the city) You can admire the beauties just described, in our GO IN ITALY programming – click here to discover it.


Viaggi a Venezia
Venezia – Piazza San Marco


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A millenary artistic legacy and enchanting beauty. Venice is one of the most famous and popular cities in Italy. However, even on busy days, Venice never loses its ability to enchant and enchant visitors. Burano: a small island all colored, an ideal destination to escape the crowds . There are many legends as to why […]

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