
The traditional routes of excursions in Molise – The sheep tracks

Molise exists! It is one of the smallest regions in Italy which, however, offers extraordinary opportunities to discover ancient villages, white beaches, historical museums and nature itineraries. Among the itineraries, the “Tratturi” (Transhumance routes) stand out for their history and tradition. These cross the entire Molise area. Here you can find:

  • The Tratturello Castel del Giudice – Sprondasino:

    is one of the most famous tratturi in Molise. This is due to its high and intense panorama that is highlighted by walking along it. The route is about 30 km.

  • The tratturo Castel di Sangro – Lucera:

    this tratturo is one of the most important and fascinating in southern Italy. It boasts a length of 130 km. There is also the possibility of having direct contact with the local flora and fauna. Along the tratturo it is possible to visit splendid castles among which the D’Alessandro castle (Pesco Lanciano) stands out. The latter is famous for the paranormal phenomena that have been recorded there.

 The tratturi that cross Molise are a total of 10. For years they have fascinated tourists who visit this splendid region. The transhumance routes cross the length and breadth of the Molise region. In addition, the latter offer unique glimpses and panoramas of their kind . Along the routes it is possible to visit numerous cities and medieval villages of rare beauty, the main ones are:

  •  Agnone

Here the suggestive historical center and the International Museum of the Bell stand out . The museum dates back to 1999 and is one of a kind. In addition, the museum includes the largest collection of sacred bronzes in the world.

Defined as the pearl of Molise, given its suggestive and characteristic aspect. Bagnoli is in fact “set” in the stone, which makes it almost fairytale.

  •  Capracotta

A small medieval village characterized by its importance in terms of tourist attraction, especially in winter. Here, in fact, there is one of the most important ski schools in Molise. There is also a fantastic and enchanting Garden of Apennine Flora. It is a high altitude botanical garden where you can admire numerous species of local flowers and plants. To find out more, to admire and experience these ancient paths, landscapes and villages, you can visit our website by clicking HERE .

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