
The cliffs of Ustica – Precious destination for divers

The island of Ustica is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful islands of Italy and of the Mediterranean Sea that can be legitimately defined as a real jewel. Its sea and its seabed are of rare beauty and it is no coincidence that a protected area was established in 1986 “to protect and manage the marine environment and territory”.

Absolutely not to be missed for the charm and spectacularity of the underwater environments that you can find are without doubt:

is located about 500 meters off the north coast of the island. It is one of the most spectacular sites of Ustica and the Mediterranean. Here you will find a wall completely covered with sponges, nudibranches, musdee, conger eels, groupers, moray eels and magnose. In addition, for the last ten years, there is also the wreck of a merchant ship that carried blocks of marble.

  • Punta dell’Arpa:

this dive site is renowned for the beautiful gorgonians that cover the rocks as well as beautiful roses and sea lace. It will also be possible to encounter groupers, clouds of bream, damselfish and often barracudas and amberjacks on the prowl.

it is defined as one of the most difficult dives in Ustica. Here you can reach a depth of almost 50 meters, in fact the descent is reserved only for experienced divers and equipped with a “deep” patent. The marine environment offers the possibility to see schools of amberjack, barracuda, tannute, ducts and groupers. Moreover it is possible to admire branches of fake black coral distinguishable thanks to their unmistakable yellow color.

In Ustica it is also possible to practice trekking to watch from above the blue sea as it happens for example from the famous and beautiful Rocca della Falconiera. The latter is one of the most panoramic points of the island of Ustica, 157 meters high, built on the edge of an ancient crater overlooking the sea. This place is capable of giving suggestions really unique.

To discover this extraordinary island and its wonderful beauties you can visit our section Go in Italy by clicking HERE.


Diving Ustica
Isola di Ustica – Diving

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Duration: 3 days / 2 nights

from € 260

Duration: 7 days / 6 nights

from € 1,350 - Excluding flights - Available all year long, on request

from € 100 - Excluding flights - Available all year long, on request

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