
The beauties of Marche accessible to everyone

In the last decade, this region has become one of the most popular and considered tourist destinations in the Italian and European tourist scene. A region capable of fulfilling any kind of desire, from the sea to the mountains passing through its soft and delicate hills. A world to be discovered and fortunately made accessible to all, in order to enjoy its fascinating beauties any type of visitor even those with disabilities.

The places absolutely not to be missed are without a doubt:

ANCONA with:

a very interesting museum in an equally splendid setting: the 18th century rooms of the Lazzaretto built by Luigi Vanvitelli. The Tactile Museum offers blind and visually impaired people the possibility to appreciate the beauties preserved there. Access to the museum is also possible for those in wheelchairs, thanks to the use of mobile platforms made available by the organization.

SIROLO with:

  • The Belvedere of Sirolo:

the view you can enjoy is incredible, it looks like a postcard from how beautiful it is. The point can be reached by driving along the main road that crosses the small but warm and welcoming seaside town and is therefore accessible to all, given the vast space that the viewpoint offers is possible to move freely even for those who make use of wheelchairs.

LORETO with:

a mystical place, sacred, in which you can rediscover yourself as well as one of the most enchanting cities of the Marche. The main attractions are now accessible to all, inside the basilica you can get through the use of a walkway, while in collaboration with the Museum Tattile Statale Omero was made a guide in Braille for blind people able to illustrate one of the most famous and important places of pilgrimage in the world.

Click HERE to visit our programming and discover these fascinating and timeless places.


Viaggi per disabili Marche
Loreto – Basilica

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Duration: 5 days / 4 nights

Upon request

Duration: 8 days / 7 nights

from € 790 - Excluding flights - Available all year long, on request

Sicilia escursioni a cavallo

Duration: 8 days / 7 nights

from € 1,870

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