

Sant’Antioco is a small seaside village with a special charm. Located on the Sardinian island of the same name belonging to the Sulci archipelago, in the past it was a Phoenician-Punic colony then a Roman city. Its marina, colorful houses and restaurants inebriate the air with inviting scents, making it the sea soul of Sant’Antioco.

It is the favorite destination of many tourists who every summer populate the village to appreciate not only its sea and its flora but also the numerous historical monuments including:

  • The ethnographic museum su Magasinu de su binu. Here you can better understand those that represent the main resources of the territory: fishing, salt and agriculture.
  • MuMa museum which summarizes maritime history and traditions, including the Latin sail. In the museum it is possible to appreciate the manufacturing art expressed by weaving, processing of byssus, and manufacture of wooden boats.
  • The Tombs of the Giants which, according to the belief and the finds found, were the burial place of an ancient civilization of giants that would have populated Sardinia.
  • Roman Fountain which was one of the main constructions built by the Romans. The latter were aware that this place the Phoenicians used it as a water supply.
  • Basilica of S.Antioco Martire which was built in the 5th century. In the basement of which it is possible to visit the catacombs containing the sarcophagus of Sant’Antioco. Click here to discover the whole history of the island.

The most distinctive feature of the city, however, is clearly the sea. You definitely had to take advantage of it to walk by the sea and admire the countless coves, inlets and beaches among the most beautiful in the area. Among the main ones we find Cala Sapone, Spiaggia Grande, Porto della Signora, Capo Sperone, Porto Sciusciau, Porto de S’Acqua de sa Canna and Forru ‘by car.

Then, you cannot reach Portixeddu , the beach of Maladroxia , the cove Co’e Quaddus , the Cala Lungafino and then Sottotorre, Spiaggia delle Saline and Spiaggia Grande. All places that in the summer I propose numerous activities to do: from trekking, to snorkeling, to excursions, to exploration of the sea caves.

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Duration: 8 days / 7 nights

from € 650

Duration: 4 days / 3 nights

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Duration: 8 days / 7 nights

from € 290

Duration: 4 days / 3 nights

from € 650 - Excluding flights - Available all year long, on request

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