
Chalk stream in Piedmont – fishing the famous queen trout

The Gesso stream is one of the main tributaries of the Stura di Demonte river in Piedmont, and it was for many years the exclusive hunting and fishing area of the Savoy family, in fact the reserve is called “Gesso della Regina”.

The reserve extends for about 7 km and it is a popular destination for many fishermen, both local and not. In the stream, in fact, it is possible to find the famous “Trout of the Queen”, a very rare specimen that can be found only in the waters of the stream.

The main spots immersed in this suggestive and wonderful natural oasis are two:

  •  The No Kill Zone:

this area is the longest stretch, in fact it extends for about 5 kilometers and is one of the areas frequented exclusively by local fishermen. Here, moreover, it is possible to fish every day except Wednesday for all those who buy a daily permit.

  •  The Traditional Zone:

this part extends approximately 2 km and is very frequented by both local fishermen and tourists, as traditional fishing is allowed, always subject to the purchase of vouchers that authorize the capture of trout.

To be mentioned also the torrents and rivers:

  • Tesso: in the locality of Coassolo in the province of Turin.
  • Egua: in Carcoforo, in the province of Vercelli.
  • Stura: in Germagnano in the province of Turin, the reserve extends for about 3 km.

All the watercourses are set in a fabulous natural environment capable of giving unique sensations. Here, in fact, only fly-fishing is allowed in order to safeguard the environment and the local fauna (brown trout, char). In addition, even for the exercise of fishing is necessary to purchase permits.

This fantastic stretch of river allows the exercise of different types of fishing in order to satisfy different types of fishermen. To discover in detail these spots click HERE.


Pesca in Piemonte

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