
Freestyle in Livigno – Fascinating destination of italian skiing

Livigno is a well-known and fascinating ski destination among the most popular in Italy. It is able to offer an area that can meet the needs of any type of tourist, even the most daring. Here, in fact, there is one of the most famous snow parks in the world:

For over 15 years Mottolino is recognized as the best snow park in Italy and one of the most important in Europe. With a length of about 1 km inside it offers a multitude of facilities for all free skiers, from the most experienced to the less experienced.

In recent seasons also at the snow park Mottolino have shot athletes of the calibre of Nick Goepper, silver medalist in Pyeongchang 2018 and bronze medalist in Sochi 2014.

In addition, Mottolino has hosted competitions of the Burton European Open one of the most important events for those who love snowboarding.

The ski area of Mottolino with its 25 km of slopes is ideal for families with children, it is equipped with comfort and safety thanks to modern lifts with which to reach the various destinations easily and quickly. One of the most famous slopes is definitely:

  • The Giorgio Rocca track (well-known former skier of the Italian national ski team):

It is definitely one of the most popular and most spectacular tracks of Livigno, given also its high level of difficulty that attracts many expert skiers eager to measure themselves with the great champion from Livigno.

Also, they are absolutely not to be missed:

  • The ski-area of Carosello 3000:

    the largest area of Livigno’s ski resort with almost 70 km of skiable slopes, is not to be missed. Here, even the view is a strong point, a real feather in the cap. Here are numerous slopes not to be missed including:

  • Valandrea slope:

    a predominantly red slope but with black variants therefore suitable for all types of skiers from the most experienced to the less experienced.

To discover these fantastic destinations and ski spots immersed in a breath taking natural setting click HERE.


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