
Ascoli Piceno and Sibillini Mountains

Ascoli is a city in the south of the Marche, where you can admire the numerous towers, churches, squares and buildings exclusively in stone from the nearby Piceno quarries, which make it extraordinarily harmonious and uniform, elegant and welcoming.

Among the streets of the historic center you can see squares and monuments to be discovered:

  • Piazza del Popolo , considered one of the most beautiful squares in Italy;
  • Piazza Arringo , where the other most important monuments of Ascoli are located;
  • Church of San Francesco , is one of the hubs of religious life;
  • Palazzo dei Capitani del Popoli , is the center of Ascoli’s political power. You can visit the interior with the beautiful Renaissance courtyard, the Sala della Ragione, the Sala degli Stemmi and the archaeological remains from the Roman to the medieval period;
  • Medieval houses and arcades ;
  • Palazzo dell’Arringo, seat of the Civic Art Gallery;
  • Meletti historic coffee, included among the 150 historic cafes in Italy Since 1905 it has been an institution in Ascoli, as well as a meeting place for painters, writers, entrepreneurs and ordinary people.

Furthermore, at the end of the tour of the city center, you can think about stopping for a moment in a typical restaurant of the city to taste the famous Ascoli olives , the representative dish of Ascoli. In addition, you can also taste other dishes of local cuisine such as guitars, tagliatelle and macaroni from nearby Campofilone are combined with meat sauce, cut of the Marche breed and as a dessert, damselfish with anise, Frustingo (walnuts, dried figs, almonds ) and Sweet Pizza (English soup). All this accompanied by local wines or among the local wines to try the Rosso Piceno Superiore and the Falerio . Click here to find out more about Ascoli Piceno.

Finally, a characteristic destination of the region is certainly the Sibillini Mountains Park, a magnificent place to fully relive the charm of the past and discover the treasures that man has been able to preserve over the centuries to adapt to a wild and often hostile natural environment. An uncontaminated place far from time that also includes many landscapes and very suggestive places.

Here are the main ones:

  • Sanctuary of Macereto, a religious complex that represents the greatest expression of Renaissance architecture of the 16th century in the Marche;
  • Lago di Fiastra, an artificial lake. Its waters are in every season of the year of a crystalline blue in which the peaks of the surrounding mountains are reflected ;
  • Acquasanta Valley with splendid waterfalls ;
  • Bear cave;
  • Pilate’s Grotto.

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